Just my immagination

October 19, 2008 at 10:39 am (Uncategorized)

Dahuluuu banget, jaman2 sekolah dulu, sempat pernah terpikir ide yang aneh. Kalo di pikir-pikir skarang sih, emang ga mungkin bisa direalisasikan. Tp untuk sekedar sharing aja, pingin ditulis blog, sekalian buat menuhin blog…

Duluu anak yang bersekolah pasti diajarin pelajaran geografi. Nahh di pelajaran georgrafi ini, pasti di ajarin bahwa negara kita, Indonesia ini terdiri dari berbagai banyak pulau. Waktu itu, gur geografiku bilang kalo ternyata ga semua pulau di Indonesia itu di huni dan masih banyak pulau yang belum diberi nama. Nahh, selain dia bilang begitu, dia juga bilang kalo Indonesia tuh kekayaan alamnya sangat bagus dan indah.

Nahh, gara2 dia bilang bgitu, saya sempat pernah terpikir untuk membuat bisnis penyewaan pulau-pulau di Indonesia. Jadi, pulau-pulau tersebut disewa untuk dikelola dengan baik dan bertanggung jawab, habis dulu sempet terpikir daripada mubazir mending disewain aja. Sapa tau aja bisa dijadiin Fantasy island atau Private Island kayak yang ada di Amerika tengah gitu. Waktu itu saya berpikir mending kalo Private Island ditawarin artis-artis Hollywood habiskan biasanya mereka suka yang private. Selain itu ada faktor lain, yaitu keindahan pantai kita, nah pantai- pantai itu bisa dijadiin tempat berjemur para artis-artis Hollywood biar kulitnya jadi coklat, kalo kata orang skarang tanning (hehehee..). Kalo Fantasy land, pinginnya nawarin ke Disney atau Universal Studio buat bikin taman hiburannya di pulau itu. Jadi, satu pulau tersebut bener bener dibuat jadi taman hiburan. Jadi kayak di film Scooby Doo yang pertama gitu, dimana scooby doo ma tmen2 di mystery inc. nya ke satu pulau yang memang dibikin buat jadi taman hiburan.

Yahh, itu lah ide dan imajinasiku waktu saya kecil. Yah namanya juga anak kecil cuma bisa ngayal. hehehe….

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3D sidewalk art

October 19, 2008 at 9:26 am (Uncategorized)

Sejak zaman dulu, orang menciptakan trotoar sebagai sarana bagi pejalan kaki. Namun, ternyata trotoar ga hanya dipake buat jalan saja, tapi bisa dijadikan sebagai media untuk kreatifitas orang. Ada saja orang yang melukis di trotoar. Mereka menyebutnya 3D sidewalk art. Terkadang gambar-gambar yang dilukis dapat menipu pejalan kaki yang berjalan.

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Most Creative Company

October 17, 2008 at 9:00 pm (Uncategorized)

I think creative company is

NAPSTER… why??

first reason, because I like to hear music very very much… so NAPSTER is help me very very much…

second reason, because NAPSTER teach me a lot…

If I don’t know NAPSTER, I will not know about many music from all around the world and I don’t know that we can hear music in mp3 format. Yeahh in that time, I like to download Japan music which is difficult to find listen in here. XD

third reason, NAPSTER is the first company and also the pioneer company ( we all know after NAPSTER, there are many same business occur like KAzAA, LimeWIre, etc) that makes us can share and download music FREEEE Yeah for me, I like everything that free. Besides that, in that time if I want to hear music, I must buy CD or cassette and to buy I must have money which is in that time my pocket money is small.

Although, many people like NAPSTER, there is a controversy occur which is the copyright violation. Many singers and recording company don’t like NAPSTER because of that. So, that’s why NAPSTER is sued by many recording company. And because of that, now NAPSTER not free again, we must pay to download mp3.

In my opinion, with the existance of NAPSTER in that time, makes people know many kinds of music. I think the singer should grateful because their music can be heard in all around of the world. Because of the creativity and innovation that NAPSTER has in that time, nowday we can hear any kind of music from many countries. There is no boundaries to hear music.

A GLANCE about NAPSTER (www.wikipedia.org)

Napster was an online music file sharing service created by Shawn Fanning while he was attending Northeastern University in Boston and operating between June 1999 and July 2001[1]. Its technology allowed people to easily copy and distribute MP3 format song files among each other, bypassing the established market for such songs and thus leading to the music industry’s accusations of massive copyright violations. Although the original service was shut down by court order, it paved the way for decentralized peer-to-peer file-sharing programs, which have been much harder to control. The service was named Napster after Fanning’s hair style based nickname.

Napster’s brand and logo were purchased after the company closed its doors and continue to be used by a pay service.

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Kreatif Billboard versi Indonesia

October 9, 2008 at 7:00 pm (Uncategorized)

Saya jadi teringat tahun lalu di daerah Senayan ada sebuah billboard yang menurut saya menarik dan lucu. Kalo ga salah sih, billboard itu dibuat oleh salah satu perusahaan rokok terkenal *pasti tahu kalo udah liat fotonya* dalam rangka menyambut bulan puasa. Memang biasanya perusahaan tersebut sering memajang billboard dengan kata2 yang cukup menarik, tetapi untuk yang kali ini memang unik banget.

Nih Foto Billboardnya ….

Kalau siang, gambar billboardnya kayak gini

Tapi, begitu malam tiba…..

Jadi begini gambarnya..

SALUTTT.. moga2 aja akan bermunculan billborad yang menarik dan lucu jadi ga ketinggalan ma billboard bikinan luar, hehehe.

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New way of eating

October 7, 2008 at 10:00 am (Uncategorized)

Sometimes people can think crazy about something. This is the craziest idea about the new way of eating food and it’s very simple…

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Most Creative Person

October 6, 2008 at 2:53 pm (Uncategorized)


Actually, I choose him as the most creative person because I’m an addicted of a TV series called HEROES which is the best TV that I ever watched. He is the creator of the series. Every time I watch the series, it is always makes me embittered. Every episode that I watch, it is full of surprises. There is no way I can predict what will happen in the next episode. Sometimes, in just one episode, I cannot predict the ending of that episode. I always think that the man who created HEROES was genius and creative person. I always imagine if I have a chance to meet him, I want to ask him “how your brain work so you can make the story?” (hahahaha….). I think it is difficult to make this kind of story, so that’s why I choose him as the most creative person.

Biography of TIM KRING (www.wikipedia.org)

He was born on July 9, 1957 in El Dorado County, California, United States. He is an American screenwriter and television producer. He has created three TV shows that have seen varying degrees of success: Strange World, Crossing Jordan, and Heroes. He graduated from the USC School of Cinematic Arts in 1983. He was an Emmy nominee in 2007 for Outstanding Drama Series as the producer for “Heroes.” He was also named one of the Masters of Sci Fi TV for his work on the series.

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